Teaching Resources

A Plea for Private International Law

In early January 2025, I published a post titled “Teaching Conflict of Laws at U.S. Law Schools.” The post surveyed the course offerings of the top 50 U.S. law schools to see whether Conflict of Laws had been offered during the previous two academic years. Shortly after it went live, I received the following email from…

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Teaching Conflict of Laws at U.S Law Schools

To kick off 2025, I thought it would be interesting to look at how many top U.S. law schools offer a course in Conflict of Laws. While the topics covered here at TLB overlap with those covered in several traditional law school courses—including Civil Procedure, International Business Transactions, and International Law—significant overlap exists with respect…

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Using TLB to Teach Conflict of Laws (2024 Update)

This post updates our series explaining how professors can use resources on TLB to teach various classes. Previous posts have discussed Transnational Litigation, Civil Procedure, Foreign Relations Law, and International Business Transactions. This post discusses Conflict of Laws. All of these posts are accessible at our Teaching Resources page. Primers and Topic Pages Conflict of…

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Using TLB to Teach Civil Procedure (2024 Update)

If you are teaching civil procedure this fall, TLB can help. This post gathers materials that can complement a standard civil procedure course, whether by providing concise overviews of doctrines, helping to track Supreme Court developments, or suggesting recent cases that can spark discussions of perennial procedural issues. Personal Jurisdiction TLB has a new primer…

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Using TLB to Teach International Business Transactions

As the fall semester gets underway, we are updating our posts on using resources on TLB to teach various classes. This post discusses International Business Transactions (IBT). Although TLB focuses on litigation and IBT focuses on transactions, there is a great deal of overlap. The most obvious examples are contractual clauses that plan for dispute resolution,…

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Audio Content on TLB!

We are beginning to offer audio versions of some posts! We kick off the initiative with John Coyle’s recording of his post A Primer on Choice-of-Law Clauses. Choice of law and choice of law clauses are important issues in any legal system, ones that help students understand both contracts and civil procedure. Now students, foreign…

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Using TLB to Teach Foreign Relations Law

This post discusses Foreign Relations Law as part of our series explaining how professors can use resources on TLB to teach various classes. Previous posts have discussed Transnational Litigation, Civil Procedure, International Business Transactions, and Conflict of Laws. Although TLB focuses on litigation, and Foreign Relations Law classes cover many topics that are rarely litigated, there is significant…

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Using TLB to Teach Civil Procedure (2023 Update)

With the new school year come new decisions about how to incorporate yet another Supreme Court personal jurisdiction decision into the civil procedure curriculum. TLB can help! This post highlights materials on TLB that can provide updates on recent cases, concise overviews of doctrines, and conversation starters about procedural questions. Personal Jurisdiction The big news…

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Reflections on the New Edition of International Civil Litigation in United States Courts

Over twenty years ago, a horrible accident occurred at the ski resort of Kaprun, Austria.  At that time, I was a young attorney working at a European law firm.  The firm’s partners read about new lawsuits, filed in the United States, that threatened to bring all the procedural tools of the United States judicial system…

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Using TLB to Teach Civil Procedure

August invariably brings not only heat and humidity (to Nashville, anyway) but also…. the first civil procedure classes.  And, more pressingly, the need for a syllabus. This post continues TLB’s series on using the blog to teach law school classes. An earlier post discussed using TLB to Teach Transnational Litigation and there are more to…

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Ingrid (Wuerth) Brunk

Vanderbilt Law School

William Dodge

George Washington University Law School

Maggie Gardner

Cornell Law School

John F. Coyle

University of North Carolina School of Law

Zachary D. Clopton

Northwestern Pritzker School of Law

Robin Effron

Brooklyn Law School
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Scott Dodson

UC Law – San Francisco
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Aaron D. Simowitz

Willamette University College of Law
Bio | Posts

Hannah Buxbaum

Indiana University Maurer School of Law
Bio | Posts

Paul MacMahon

LSE Law School
Bio | Posts

Satjit Singh Chhabra

Khaitan and Co
Bio | Posts

Keshav Somani

Khaitan and Co.
Bio | Posts

Kartikey Mahajan

Khaitan and Co.
Bio | Posts

Paul B. Stephan

University of Virginia School of Law
Bio | Posts

Caroline Spencer

Vanderbilt Law School
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