Teaching Resources

There are many law school classes that have a connection to transnational litigation, including Civil Procedure, International Business Transactions, Conflict of Laws, U.S. Foreign Relations Law, and Transnational Litigation. The posts below contain links to a wealth of materials - blog posts, primers, cases, statutes, treaties, and charts - that may be incorporated into each of these classes.


Audio Content on TLB!

We are beginning to offer audio versions of some posts! We kick off the initiative with John Coyle’s recording of his post A Primer on Choice-of-Law Clauses. Choice of law and choice of law clauses are important issues in any legal system, ones that help students understand both contracts and civil procedure. Now students, foreign…

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Using TLB to Teach International Business Transactions

This post continues our series explaining how professors can use resources on TLB to teach various classes. This post discusses International Business Transactions (IBT). Although TLB focuses on litigation and IBT focuses on transactions, there is a great deal of overlap. The most obvious examples are contractual clauses that plan for dispute resolution, like forum…

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Using TLB to Teach Foreign Relations Law

This post discusses Foreign Relations Law as part of our series explaining how professors can use resources on TLB to teach various classes. Previous posts have discussed Transnational Litigation, Civil Procedure, International Business Transactions, and Conflict of Laws. Although TLB focuses on litigation, and Foreign Relations Law classes cover many topics that are rarely litigated, there is significant…

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Born & Rutledge, International Civil Litigation in United States Courts (2018) (Aspen)

Bradley, Deeks & Goldsmith, Foreign Relations Law (2020) (Aspen)

Brilmayer, Goldsmith, O'Connor & Vázquez, Conflict of Laws (2019) (Aspen)

Childress, Ramsey & Whytock, Transnational Law and Practice (2020) (Aspen)

Chow & Schoenbaum, International Business Transactions (2023) (Aspen)

Dean, Skelton & Stephan, Doing Business in Emerging Markets (2022) (Foundation)

Folsom, Van Alstine, Ramsey & Schaefer, International Business Transactions (2019) (West)

Murphy, Swaine & Brunk, U.S. Foreign Relations Law (2023) (West)

Symeonides & Purdue, Conflict of Laws (2024) (West)

Vagts, Dodge, Buxbaum & Koh, Transnational Business Problems (2019) (Foundation)

Zekoll, Collins & Rutherglen, Transnational Civil Litigation (2013) (West)

Bermann, Dodge & Childress, Transnational Litigation in a Nutshell (2021) (West)

Spillenger, Principles of Conflict of Laws (2020) (West)

Hay, Borchers, Symeonides & Whytock, Conflict of Laws (2018) (West)