Recent Cases

Second Circuit Allows Securities Claims Against Crypto-Asset Exchange

In Morrison v. National Australia Bank (2010), the U.S. Supreme Court applied the presumption against extraterritoriality to § 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act, holding that this provision applies only to transactions in the United States. Morrison’s transactional test has proven difficult to apply to unlisted securities that do not trade on an exchange. In…

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It Is Harder Than It Looks to Sue State Sponsors of Terrorism

Rotem and Yoav Golan were injured in a 2015 terrorist attack in Israel when an assailant deliberately drove his car into a crowd of people. The Golans and their family sued Iran and Syria for various torts and for aiding and abetting a terrorist attack. Judge Trevor N. McFadden of the U.S. District Court for…

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Chinese Judgments and Due Process: Another New York Decision

In the United States, the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments are generally governed by state law. Thirty-eight states and the District of Columbia have adopted either the 1962 Uniform Foreign Money Judgments Recognition Act or the updated 2005 Uniform Foreign Country Money Judgments Recognition Act. (In the remaining twelve states, common law governs.) Both…

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Abitron on Remand

Last year, in Abitron Austria GmbH v. Hetronic International, Inc., the Supreme Court held that the federal trademark statute—known as the Lanham Act—applies only to domestic conduct infringing U.S. trademarks. A group of Austrian and German companies collectively known as “Abitron” placed U.S.-protected trademarks owned by a U.S. company, Hetronic, on products made in Europe. Some of…

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Federal Circuit Reconsiders Extraterritorial Patent Damages

The Federal Circuit’s recent decision in Brumfield v. IBG LLC suggests that U.S. patent holders may be able to obtain damages for foreign activities that flow from domestic acts of infringement proscribed by 35 U.S.C. § 271(a). This is a new development: as the Federal Circuit explained, the Supreme Court’s extraterritoriality analysis in WesternGeco LLC…

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Additional Thoughts on Firexo

I have three thoughts to add to John Coyle’s insightful post on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit’s recent decision in Firexo, Inc. v. Firexo Group Limited: one on choice of law, one on jurisdiction, and one on forum selection. Choice of Law Even though the majority declines to apply the “closely…

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District Court Permits Clean Air Act Action Against Canadian Company

The presumption against extraterritoriality is the principal tool that U.S. courts use to determine the reach of federal statutes. Last year, in Abitron Austria GmbH v. Hetronic International, Inc. (2023), the U.S. Supreme modified the presumption by requiring conduct relevant to a provision’s focus to occur in the United States in order for the application…

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Saying Yes to the World, But No to Personal Jurisdiction

The Northern District of California (Judge Susan Illston) recently dismissed for lack of personal jurisdiction a suit brought by California residents against the German airline Lufthansa for harms emanating from the plaintiffs’ experience boarding a flight in Saudi Arabia en route to San Francisco. As the court noted in Doe v. Deutsche Lufthansa Aktiengesellschaft, the…

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A Legislative Fix for the Cassirer Case?

Regular TLB readers may be familiar with the Cassirer case seeking to recover a painting by Camille Pissarro that was stolen by the Nazis and is now in the possession of a Spanish museum. The U.S. Supreme Court held in Cassirer v. Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection Foundation (2022) that federal courts must apply state choice-of-law rules to…

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We Still Don’t Know What the State Department Thinks About the Transit Pipelines Treaty

In Bad River Band v. Enbridge Energy Co., the District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin (Judge William M. Conley) found that a pipeline owned by a Canadian company, Enbridge Energy, trespasses on the reservation of the Bad River Band of Chippewa Indians. He ordered the pipeline to shut down by June 16, 2026….

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Ingrid (Wuerth) Brunk

Vanderbilt Law School

William Dodge

George Washington University Law School

Maggie Gardner

Cornell Law School

John F. Coyle

University of North Carolina School of Law

Zachary D. Clopton

Northwestern Pritzker School of Law

Paul B. Stephan

University of Virginia School of Law
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Caroline Spencer

Vanderbilt Law School
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Gary Born

Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
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Robert Kry

MoloLamken LLP
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Luana Matoso

Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law
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Curtis A. Bradley

University of Chicago Law School
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Pamela K. Bookman

Fordham University School of Law
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Matthew Salavitch

Fordham Law School
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Hannah Buxbaum

Indiana University Maurer School of Law
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