TLB’s Top Ten Posts in 2022


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As 2022 draws to a close, so too does the first year for TLB. We began blogging in late March. Since then, we have published nearly two hundred posts by more than fifty authors. Here are TLB’s top ten posts, by number of views, in 2022.

(1) Maggie Gardner, U.S. Courts Gut Key Provision of U.N. Convention Against Corruption

(2) John Coyle, A Primer on Choice-of-Law Clauses

(3) George Bermann, ZF Automotive: Predictable Outcome, Lackluster Reasoning

(4) Curtis A. Bradley and Jack L. Goldsmith, Customary International Law’s Domestic Status: Reflections After Twenty-Five Years

(5) William S. Dodge, Court Holds that China’s Data Privacy Law Does Not Bar U.S. Discovery

(6) Paul B. Stephan, The Supreme Court Takes Up Sovereign Immunity from Criminal Prosecutions

(7) John Coyle, CISG Opt-Outs and Party Intent

(8) Ingrid (Wuerth) Brunk, Havlish Plaintiffs File a Potentially Misleading Brief Claiming Entitlement to Afghan Central Bank Assets

(9) Ingrid (Wuerth) Brunk, Afghan Central Bank Assets Should Be Immune in Cases against the Taliban

(10) William S. Dodge, Does the TVPRA Apply Extraterritorially? Thoughts on the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Amicus Brief in Doe v. Apple