The Most-Viewed Posts of 2025 (So Far)
March 27, 2025
As we approach the third anniversary of Transnational Litigation Blog—the site officially launched on March 28, 2022—I thought it would be interesting to take a look at which posts have attracted the most views in the first few months of 2025. A list of the top ten appears below.
Three of these posts may be described as “evergreen” content. They are our Primer posts on choice-of-law clauses, choice of law, and forum selection clauses. When one performs a Google search for “choice-of-law clause,” the first hit is our Primer on that subject. When one performs a Google search for “choice of law,” the second hit is our Primer on that subject. These search results go a long way towards explaining why these posts have been read by so many people.
Another widely viewed post was “The CISG and Choice-of-Law Clauses.” This contribution by Ben Kohler was first published in 2023 but enjoyed a surge in attention this year due to the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot. That event featured a problem which required participants to think long and hard about the interplay between choice-of-law clauses and the U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. The editors at TLB would, incidentally, like to extend our best wishes to everyone participating in the Vis Moot in Vienna in just a few weeks!
A recent post by Hannah Buxbaum, “District Court’s Order in the Venezuelan Deportees Case Was Not Extraterritorial,” was quoted in a New York Times story published on March 19, 2025. The story contained a link to Hannah’s original post and prompted a number of readers to follow the link to TLB.
A post by Bill Dodge on another subject recently in the news, “The $24 Billion Judgment Against China in Missouri’s COVID Suit,” also attracted a large number of readers who were curious about the legal basis for the Missouri judgment and its future prospects with respect to enforceability.
Finally, a post by Gary Born about his forthcoming book, “International Law in American Courts,” attracted substantial attention, as did a pair of less serious posts authored by yours truly. One of these, “Prenuptial Agreements and Choice-of-Law Clauses,” considered whether a Finnish choice-of-law clause in a prenuptial agreement involving a Finnish hockey star was enforceable in Minnesota state court. The other, “Teaching Conflict of Laws at U.S Law Schools,” looked at which top U.S. law schools offered courses in Conflicts during the 2022-23 and 2023-24 academic years.