Extraterritoriality in Comparative Perspective

Extraterritoriality has been on the outs with the Roberts Court, which has curtailed the reach of U.S. trademark, human rights, securities, and racketeering laws via the presumption against extraterritoriality. But globally, extraterritoriality may be on the rise. Countries have flexed their extraterritorial muscles to address data privacy, human rights, competition law, tax base erosion, and climate change, among other pressing transnational issues. A newly published volume, Extraterritoriality in Comparative Perspectives, gathers in-depth studies of fifteen different legal systems—from Australia to Vietnam—to provide a critical comparative perspective on the debate.

From the publisher (Brill):

The book consists of contributions presented at the most recent General Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law, held in Asunción, Paraguay in 2022. It includes national reports from fourteen countries, a special report on EU law, and a general report. Together, these chapters illuminate significant changes in the morphology of extraterritoriality over the past century. They illustrate the extent to which extraterritoriality has become embedded in, and has contributed to shaping, the transnational legal order.

The volume is edited by TLB advisor Hannah Buxbaum, who’s introductory general report is publicly available here for a short period of time.
