There are many law school classes that have a connection to transnational litigation, including Civil Procedure, International Business Transactions, Conflict of Laws, U.S. Foreign Relations Law, and Transnational Litigation. The posts below contain links to a wealth of materials - blog posts, primers, cases, statutes, treaties, and charts - that may be incorporated into each of these classes.
A Plea for Private International Law
In early January 2025, I published a post titled “Teaching Conflict of Laws at U.S. Law Schools.” The post surveyed the course offerings of the top 50 U.S. law schools to see whether Conflict of Laws had been offered during the previous two academic years. Shortly after it went live, I received the following email from…
Continue ReadingTeaching Conflict of Laws at U.S Law Schools
To kick off 2025, I thought it would be interesting to look at how many top U.S. law schools offer a course in Conflict of Laws. While the topics covered here at TLB overlap with those covered in several traditional law school courses—including Civil Procedure, International Business Transactions, and International Law—significant overlap exists with respect…
Continue ReadingUsing TLB to Teach Conflict of Laws (2024 Update)
This post updates our series explaining how professors can use resources on TLB to teach various classes. Previous posts have discussed Transnational Litigation, Civil Procedure, Foreign Relations Law, and International Business Transactions. This post discusses Conflict of Laws. All of these posts are accessible at our Teaching Resources page. Primers and Topic Pages Conflict of…
Continue ReadingBorn & Rutledge, International Civil Litigation in United States Courts (2018) (Aspen)
Bradley, Deeks & Goldsmith, Foreign Relations Law (2020) (Aspen)
Brilmayer, Goldsmith, O'Connor & Vázquez, Conflict of Laws (2019) (Aspen)
Childress, Ramsey & Whytock, Transnational Law and Practice (2020) (Aspen)
Chow & Schoenbaum, International Business Transactions (2023) (Aspen)
Dean, Skelton & Stephan, Doing Business in Emerging Markets (2022) (Foundation)
Folsom, Van Alstine, Ramsey & Schaefer, International Business Transactions (2019) (West)
Murphy, Swaine & Brunk, U.S. Foreign Relations Law (2023) (West)
Symeonides & Purdue, Conflict of Laws (2024) (West)
Vagts, Dodge, Buxbaum & Koh, Transnational Business Problems (2019) (Foundation)
Zekoll, Collins & Rutherglen, Transnational Civil Litigation (2013) (West)