Maggie Gardner

Cornell Law School

Maggie Gardner

Maggie Gardner (@maggiekgardner) is a Professor of Law at Cornell Law School. She has served as an Associate Managing Editor for AJIL Unbound, as a co-chair for the Junior International Law Scholars Association, and as a fellow in the Appeals Chamber of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon. Before entering academia, she worked as a litigation associate at WilmerHale LLP and clerked for federal appellate and district court judges. Her articles on international litigation in U.S. courts have been published in such journals as the University of Pennsylvania Law Review, Virginia Law Review, NYU Law Review, and Stanford Law Review.

Posts by Maggie Gardner

International Law in Domestic Courts Workshop, May 23

As previously announced, the next International Law in Domestic Courts (ILDC) Workshop will be held at the George Washington University Law School on May 23. ILDC is an interest group of the American Society of International Law. Its purpose is to promote dialogue among scholars and lawyers who are interested in issues pertaining to the…

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Doe Run Defendants Seek Cert for Foreign Relations Abstention

A pending cert petition in Doe Run Resources v. Reid asks the Supreme Court to dismiss tort claims brought by foreign plaintiffs against a U.S. company, its subsidiaries, and various corporate officers based on foreign relations abstention. The Peruvian plaintiffs allege they were seriously harmed as children by toxic substances, including toxic levels of lead,…

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First Circuit Argument Weighs Constitutionality of TVPA

Last month, the First Circuit (Judge Lara Montecalvo, presiding, with retired Justice Stephen Breyer and Senior Judge Sandra Lynch) heard oral argument in Boniface v. Viliena. Viliena, a Haitian national who has been a legal permanent resident of the United States since 2008, is challenging a $15.5 million jury award under the Torture Victim Protection…

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