Rachel Brewster
Duke Law School

Rachel Brewster is the Jeffrey and Bettysue Hughes Professor of Law at Duke Law School. She writes on World Trade Organization law, anti-corruption law, and international relations theory. Brewster serves as co-director of Duke’s Center for International and Comparative Law and co-chair of Duke’s JD-LLM Program. She served as legal counsel in the Office of the United States Trade Representative in 2008. Brewster clerked for Judge Phyllis A. Kravitch of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. She received her BA and JD from the University of Virginia. She holds a PhD in political science from the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill.
The Role of the FCPA in Transnational Litigation
Professor Maggie Gardner’s thought-provoking post on the role of the UN Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) in forum non conveniens analysis in IMSS v. Stryker and IMSS v. Zimmer Biomet Holdings led me to consider how the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) factors into these cases. Interestingly, both defendant corporations, Stryker Corporation and Zimmer Biomet Holdings,…
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