Melissa Kucinski

Melissa Kucinski founded her own boutique family law firm, MKFL, in 2013. She has taught International Family Law at the George Washington University School of Law since 2010. Melissa is a fellow of the International Academy of Family Lawyers and the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. She has served as a consultant for the Hague Conference on Private International Law, a member of the Uniform Law Commission’s Joint Editorial Board on Uniform Family Laws, and a member of the U.S. Secretary of State’s Advisory Committee on Private International Law. Melissa blogs frequently at Family Law Across Borders.
International Custody Jurisdiction, Human Rights, and Legislative Change
The Court of Appeals of Washington State recently issued an unpublished opinion that will serve as a benchmark for parents who flee certain countries with their children, seeking safe harbor in the United States (In re AlHaidari (Fearing, CJ)). In re AlHaidari Bethany AlHaidari, a U.S. citizen, married Ghassan AlHaidari, a Saudi citizen, in Saudi…
Continue ReadingA Primer on International Family Law
[This post is one in a series of primers on different topics in transnational litigation. To access other primers, please click on the “Topics” drop-down menu above.] International family law focuses on two discrete areas of international practice: (1) private international law, and (2) comparative family law. This area of practice is traditionally broken down…
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