Abubakri Yekini
University of Manchester

Abubakri Yekini is a law lecturer at the University of Manchester, focusing his research on the progressive development of conflict of laws in Africa. He is the author of the monograph titled The Hague Judgments Convention and Commonwealth Model Law: A Pragmatic Perspective (Hart Publishing, 2021), in addition to contributing various book chapters and journal articles.
Yekini served as a visiting scholar at the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European, and Regulatory Procedural Law in 2019 and later as a Schumann Fellow at the University of Munster, Germany in 2022. He is a founding member of the Nigeria Group on Private International Law (NGPIL) and serves as an assistant editor for both the Ethiopian Yearbook of International Law and the Lagos State University Law Journal.
Implied Jurisdiction Agreements in International Commercial Contracts
In an increasingly globalized economy, commercial transactions often involve business entities from different countries. These cross-border transactions present complex legal questions, such as the place where potential disputes will be adjudicated. To provide certainty, commercial parties often conclude ex ante agreements on the venue for dispute resolution by selecting the court(s) of a particular state. However,…
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