Christopher A. Whytock
University of California, Irvine
Christopher Whytock is Professor of Law and Political Science at the University of California, Irvine, and Co-Director of the UCI Center in Law, Society and Culture. He served as an adviser for the Restatement (Fourth) of the Foreign Relations Law of the United States (2018) and currently serves as an Associate Reporter for the Restatement (Third) of Conflict of Laws. Professor Whytock’s research focuses on transnational litigation, conflict of laws, international law, and the role of domestic law and domestic courts in global governance. His scholarship has appeared in law journals including Columbia Law Review, Cornell Law Review, New York University Law Review, and University of Pennsylvania Law Review, and peer-reviewed journals including Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, Theoretical Inquiries in Law, and International Security. His books include Conflict of Laws (6th ed.) (with Peter Hay, Patrick J. Borchers & Symeon C. Symeonides), Research Handbook on the Politics of International Law (co-edited with Wayne Sandholtz), Transnational Law and Practice (with Donald E. Childress III and Michael D. Ramsey), and Understanding Conflict of Laws (4th ed.) (with William M. Richman & William L. Reynolds).
“Sticky Beliefs” about Transnational Litigation
Empirical legal scholarship has been on the rise. But empirical research on transnational litigation remains relatively uncommon. This limits our knowledge of transnational litigation and, by hindering assessment of claims about transnational litigation, it allows what I call “sticky beliefs” to take hold. Sticky beliefs are assertions made without empirical support, which are then uncritically…
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